I'm your deelah, Baby

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A good friend of mine called my attention last night on why I haven’t been updating my blog. I replied with an honest to goodness answer… there are a lot of things going on my mind. And it’s not about poker.

But guess what, last night was my first day at work at the state of mind called BBC. And it was great! Given that I am still adjusting, but it’s just such a cool thing to do. Although my body is aching right now but what the heck, I’m in a place where I hangout with friends and doing something related to a game I love!

Besides, I think my time is going to be occupied by sidelines everywhere. It’s all pouring now.

But back to poker… a newbie deelah getting used to mediate a battle of wits and bluff in the felt sometimes can’t help but scratch her head or say wow for a great play. This I tell you guys, it is truly different when you are at the other side of the felt. But all in all, it’s poker!

My first night, I’ve seen great play, good bluffs, bad beats, big pots, limpers and wise moves… all in a night of poker at the state of mind.

Tonight is another JGPT game. Come by and join our home games. :-)

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