P-Cubed Jazminated!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Wednesday night is another P-cubed ladies tournament. My ranking really got affected when we were not able to play last week since I was sick. But the week before that, Che came in first and me, second. And because of that we became 2nd and 3rd in overall points ranking. But due to our absence, we dropped to 11th and something.

On that very day, we were both having doubts if we are gonna play. When I got sick, we incurred a lot of expense and we may not be able to afford to play. But I don’t know what got into me that I really really wanna play that night. So eventually, Che got the message. And we found a way to be able to play that night.

There were 16 players, a few guys were allowed to play but double the buy-in. I’m just not sure if they get points too. I think they can’t win points. It’s a ladies league, unless they suddenly grew tits and lost the pendulum between their legs! Anyway, it was a pretty tough game. There were not much newbies like the first and second event. That night most of the people really knows how to play and some of them are good ones, too.

The first 10 hands made me really short stacked. With the starting stack of 2k, I was down to only ¼ of that. Thank goodness the blinds were still small and I managed to make a few moves. Then later on, I got my stack back. Then, I busted out the girl to my left. From that point, I was able to keep a big stack for most parts of the tournament.

When we merged for the final table, I think I was 2nd in chip stack when we started. Then due to some abrupt blind structure in some levels, my stack shrunk. I thought I was doomed! Then I was able to catch a few interesting cards… they were not really that good, but can be considered for a short handed play. I was thinking that it is better to bust out trying to make a move than die a slow death by getting blinded out.

When I noticed that I’m already one of the chips leaders, I took advantage of it. I was able to steal some blinds. I don’t want to give the short stack an opportunity to go all in. For a time, I wouldn’t call the blinds if I was not willing to call/put all in the remaining players.

I know, I am not really known to play this way. Most people see me as a very tight player and some what weak poker player. But watch out, coz I also change gears. I guess for this night, it worked. When we were heads up, I’ve got almost 70% of the chips.

For the first hand, I was on big blinds. My opponent was first to act since it’s a heads up action, looked at her chips and decided to go all in. I looked at my cards, K-10x. It may be good enough for heads up and I sensed an initial hesitation from my opponent. And I just need to call another big blind and a half. ACTION!

She was actually holding 9-4x. Live cards and a chance to maybe steal my big blinds. I hit my ten and concluded my win for the night!

Ahhh! Feels good to win huh? I think I got my poker mojo back. During the bloggers tournament, I was still weak and felt sick. And I guess, it reflected on my game as well. Now, I am back! ;-)

And again, I’m guilty for not updating.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Many things happened since my last post. Oh, I want to congratulate everyone who participated and responsible for the great turnout of the first pinoy bloggers tourney. Well done, Miguel! And good game, guys! It’s the toughest 2-table action I’ve ever seen. Cheers to Barbs, Mark, Miguel and Che!

Wish I can say more but I busted out with KK against Che’s AKx. As much as it breaks my heart that she cracked my cowboys, she put the chips into good use by placing 4th in the tournament.

So when are we having the next one?

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