Preface for Bangkok posts

Monday, June 18, 2007

Yeah, I know it's been such a long time since my last post... again. I don't even know if someone still reads this page. Anyway, i don't mind talking to myself. hahaha!

I don't really have much time right now, but i'd like to give a sort of introduction for my soon-bangkok posts. It was helluva fun! No poker though. I guess that's one of the very few down parts of our vacation.

It's not my first time to visit this neighboring country. In fact, in my previous visits I've been very pampered and accomodated. I was taken to the best sights in Bangkok and nearby cities like Ayuttaya. One of those visits were even sponsored by the Tourisim Authority of Thailand and Thai Airways to introduce their Amazing Thailand campaign. It was really good.

This time around, I go back to Bangkok on my own. Without watchful eyes of hosts who look after our safety and guides who makes sure we get the best of Bangkok. Now, I get to see the rest....

But before I tell you my story of our Bangkok vacation, I want to show you something. I was able to bring home not just memories and a couple of Baht, meet my new pet...

I haven't figuered out a name for this creature yet. Since flop and river's already the name of our new kittens, i'm thinking of "Turn" but im not so comfortable with it. Maybe "Brick" or "Bluff". Whaddya think? Hehehe!

Anyway, till my next post....

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